462 vehicles for sale
Cars UGUsed cars in KampalaMitsubishi for saleUsed Fuso1986 Mitsubishi Fuso fighter
Price  USh 75m
Mitsubishi Fuso fighter
Ref No: 38731
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250,000 km mileage
Perfect condition
Browsing History
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Seller Information
Private Deals Uganda
Private Deals
Kampala, Uganda
Always beware of fraud and do not pay for a vehicle before viewing it!
For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.
Vehicle owner \ seller Turiwe zeza
Seller phone number(+256) 78 246 65 59

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For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.

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Cars UGUsed cars in KampalaMitsubishi for saleUsed Fuso1986 Mitsubishi Fuso fighter